[Gpdd] CARE: Cage too small

Mary Fran McCluskey faststats at faststatschecks.com
Sat Jan 23 16:36:38 EST 2010

Dear Beki,
I, too, ran into the same story when I wanted to 
adopt two piggies at the rescue.
When I see my girls tearing up and down 
their ramp and clumping (climbing/jumping) from 
the bottom to the top of the cage, on top of the
pigloo, etc. I wonder how they can say it's too 
small. I mean, it's not as if they never get out of
the cage. They certainly get a lot of exercise.
So, although a bigger cage IS probably better,
I don't think you should beat yourself up about
having ONLY a 4'x 18" two-storey. They also
told me the two landings in the cage didn't count.
I ended up buying my girls, Gingerpuff and Miss
Muffet from the feed store, as I always have.
That, I consider, IS a rescue.
--Mary Fran

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