[Gpdd] Gpdd (Misc.) (Growing Vegies)

Ellen Garrison lola.garrison at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 05:01:40 EDT 2010

Thanks Ann Evans, about the water grass called Asian Dayflower, or commelina
communis.  I looked it up in wikipedia, it states that it has been used in
Chinese medicine for (thousands of) years.  How wonderful that it is a good
veg for the piggies.

I think I am going to order some or see if I can find it here, as it looks
easy to grow.  I have some orange mint which the piggies and bunny like, in
a planter, and a parsley plant, a basil plant, and then i had a flat of
fresh sod which I got last year.
I heard somewhere that cut grass is not good for piggies as it tends to
ferment in the gut; does anyone know if this is valid or not? I have fed
mine cut grass with no problem.

Thank you everyone and sorry some of my prior posts have been so long.

~Ellen and Precious Piggies, bun and chin Fugly, (with Gin Gin, Cheyenie,
Mercy, Li'l Guy, and Rufie, and bunny Tawney, and all the other small
animals who have passed on, in our hearts always)

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