[Gpdd] [HEALTH] Modifying feeding plunger

Ann Evans ann.evans at hintlink.com
Sun Aug 28 22:49:54 EDT 2011

Dear Joanie,
You cut the tip off off the 1.0 ml syringe so that you have just an open 
barrel. When you insert the plunger into the barrel the black tip of the 
plunger will come out of the barrel and it is possible for the piggy to 
pull it off the plunger and swallow it. So that this does not happen you 
want to make the plunger stop before the black tip sticks out of the 
barrel. You can make a stop by cutting a piece of a drinking straw and 
threading it over the black piece and all the way up the plunger to the 
top where you put your thumb. This small piece of drinking straw 
prevents you from being able to push the plunger all the way down. It is 
just a very inexpensive safety measure. If you go to this link you will 
see a feeding syringe http://www.guinealynx.info/handfeeding.html. The 
piece of drinking straw or you can use a piece of tubing or even take a 
piece of twisty tie and wrap it around the top of the plunger from where 
you put your thumb to where the plunger goes into the syringe body. It 
just stops the plunger from coming out of the barrel. I hope this helps.


Ann and the Rescued Piggys of Piggyville, Tampa Florida USA.

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