[Gpdd] Fw: MISC: Thank you

Deborah Tanovich dtanovich at rogers.com
Thu Jan 13 00:31:47 EST 2011

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Deborah Tanovich <dtanovich at yahoo.ca>
To: gpdd at gpdd.org
Sent: Tue, January 11, 2011 11:43:14 AM
Subject: MISC: Thank you

Many thanks to everyone who sent me info on how to collect urine.
Took some doing but Woody finally stepped up to the plate and donated, after 
sitting in a plastic tub for an hour.

Vet thinks he's anemic because his red blood cells and hemoglobin are both down. 
He's had 1 iron injection and I have to dose him twice daily with Bactrim.
Woody is not impressed. I have found the easiest way to do this is to wrap him 
up in a towel, with his head poking out. Cradle him in one arm, slightly 
backward and insert syringe into the side of his mouth. He has no choice but to 
swallow and appears to like the taste.
We cuddle after and when back in his cage, a most vocal display of displeasure 
is heard.
Thanks gain to everyone for their thoughts and wishes, will keep you  posted

Debbie and Woody

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