[Gpdd] [MISC] Piggy story and cold weather

Ann Evans ann.evans at hintlink.com
Thu Jan 13 19:39:29 EST 2011

Dear Penny,
Thank you for sharing the story about the police who wanted to arrest 
the owner for keeping her piggys warm. I am sure that story is going to 
make the rounds of the police stations for years to come.

Seriously, speaking of climate change I have had to bring in my piggys 
because is is below freezing in southern Florida. They live in a custom 
made caviary that was designed to keep them cool. However this is the 
second year in a row where we have had unseasonable cold weather, 
actually ice on the grass. So all the piggys are in the house to keep 
warm. We too have the helicopters that fly over with heat seeking 
cameras. I am sure if I put a heater out in the caviary I would be 
getting a visit from the piggy police too.


Ann and the Rescued Piggys of Piggyville, Tampa Florida USA.

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