[Gpdd] ANNOUNCEMENT- we're back

Ronald Zimmerman rzm.2 at verizon.net
Thu Jul 14 19:10:27 EDT 2011

Maybe you need to work with Baxter more. Gradually try to pick him up & hold him, even if it's just a couple minutes, everyday. The longer you go without handling him, the less likely he will be to come around as he gets older. Hold him in your lap, as piggies don't like being held up in the air. Then afterward give him a treat so he can learn to associate being held as something good. My first piggie Albert took a while to come around but eventually he became a cuddler.
Does Kip have crusty eyes or discharge from the nose? Does he sound congested when he breathes? These are signs of a URI. Is he eating & drinking well? Is he lethargic at all? Is your vet an exotics vet? Sorry to bombard you with questions, just want to make sure Kip doesn't end up with pneumonia or something from not being treated with the proper antibiotics. 
Hope things go well for you & your piggies.
P.S.- I am not a vet, just someone with many years of piggie caretaking & a foster mom to small critters from the Humane League.

~Jaime, Mimi & Captain Phil the betta fish~
~Missing Albert, Molly, Radar & Daisy~

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