[Gpdd] [HEALTH] Trichofolliculomas

Ann Evans ann.evans at hintlink.com
Sun Oct 30 10:54:54 EDT 2011

Hi Mieke,
Here at Piggyville I have had 6 cavies with  Trichofolliculomas. Each 
Trichofolliculoma was directly over the spine on the rump of the cavy. 
In all cases the tumor never caused any pain and the cavies never 
scratched or chewed on them. The tumors were never removed and the 
cavies all lived to be 7 years old or older. Only if this tumor is 
bothering your cavy would I have it removed.I am not a vet but I 
volunteer as a cavy health advisor for Dr. Frank Bonsack DVM of the 
Adventure Animal Hospital in Tampa Florida.


Ann and the Rescued Piggys of Piggyville, Tampa Florida USA.

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