Juwles juliejohnson12 at bigpond.com
Sun Sep 25 02:35:22 EDT 2011

Hi to all,


This message continues to be about Sooty.  He had the bad diarrhoea back a
few days ago, then yesterday he produced so many top quality pellets - more
than he's ever done before.  So, I was excited again.   However, he had that
sore weeping eye, and I had been using a milk bath to sooth the eye, and the
optrex lotion as per Peter Gurney's Piggy Potions.    However, the eye kept
weeping a milky stuff, which I assumed was just the healing process like we
get if something hurts our eye.  Last night we noticed the side of the eye
problem of his face was quite swollen, and still weeping, with the
occasional sneeze added, and stuff came out from the nostrils when he
sneezed (at that stage only bits).  


Today his eye is weeping very badly, to the point I couldn't see the
eyeball, only milky stuff.   When I used the milk and soft cottony-stuff
(I'm sorry, so much has happened I'm at my wits end and can't remember
words, etc).  For some reason, I decided to give a little push to the
swollen area under the eye, and all this pus came out of the eye, and poured
out of both nostrils.  I kept cleaning the area, and kept pushing, and pus
kept coming.  He sneezed, the pus came out of his nostrils; I then thought
it best to give him a rest because by then the eyelid area was quite red.
I'll do the same thing tonight.    Also, his head absolutely smells, and the
pus when it comes out is the worst smell I've ever smelled.   Could this
kill him?


Has anyone in the world of guinea pigs ever heard of this happening or
experienced it before - Ann, you might know.   I don't want him back on
antibiotics because they give him very bad slushy diarrhoea and guts ache.
Should I just continue doing what I am - and Pray?        Seeing my beloved
with pus coming from the nostrils and his eye is just grossly horrific.
What can I do for my baby? He's back in bed now with clover, grass, Timothy
Hay, the Oxbow Adult Cavy Cuisine.     I've given high doses of vitamin C
knowing his body would expel any excess not needed for his system.


I must admit I'm really starting to wonder what is happening.... Why is this
continuing to happen to me and my babies?  I'm about to search the net to
see if there's anything about pus eyes/nose.



Julie & her 2 both ailing and 4  healthy piggies

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