[Gpdd] ANNOUNCEMENT Welcome Little Jim

Sandra Oliver-Poore warmbreath at comcast.net
Sat Dec 8 05:25:50 EST 2012

I have had quite a bit of luck with  trios of boars.  One thing is they just
need more space. Don't try too small a cage. It should be big enough to hold
2 water bottles, 2 feed dishes and at least 2 pigloos or other hidey places.
Sometimes they have to live side by side a while before they can move
together. Just separate the big cage into 2 parts with neat idea cubes. If
one side looks to small the whole cage is too small.  One behavioral issue
is that sometimes I would move the least dominant of the pair in with the
new pig. The dominant one was able to understand to get his friend back he
had to accept the third.   Don't try this unless they are right next to each
other, nose touching etc. so everybody can see what's going on; then they
can make their decisions.

Sandy Sammy and AR

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