[Gpdd] Virtual: Olympigs

Mieke Staaks pandameisje at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 13:09:06 EDT 2012

Hey all piggy sporters,

We (Janneke, M and me) were thinking about organising our own virtual
guinea pig olympigs!
My pigs have asked around and some of their friends there would love to
join, I remember we did a olympigs some years ago and am pretty sure some
of our GPDD piggies would love to join too!

So what do you think? Who want to join and what activities shall we engage
We hope to add all contributions to our blog (with your permission):
And want to set up a twitterwall there where you can see all messages
posted about it on twitter (with hashtag #Olympigs)
(Btw you could send your messages to both the gpdd and our blog in one go,
by also sending your message to mfug.gpagents at blogger.com. Your message
will then be posted on the blog directly!

Whee hope some lovely GPDD piggies want to join as well, and let us know
what activities you want to do...
I have heard some wispers about starting with a popcorn contest...

Grtz Mieke
and the busy training Guinygirlz:
Lily, Daisy, Roos and Woopy
"Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room"
Mary Schmich, 1997
(Source: http://256.com/gray/quotes/schmich.html)

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