[Gpdd] HEALTH: Peanut's recovery from his 3rd oral surgery on 12/20/14

susananddave at verizon.net susananddave at verizon.net
Thu Feb 13 14:57:00 EST 2014

Peanut and I want to thank everyone who sent best wishes and encouraging thoughts. Peanut came home from the hospital weighing 704 grams. He now weighs 844 grams.   I wanted to wait until his weight stabilized before I sent this email.  Peanut was a rescue guinea and he is approximately 5 1/2  years old.   It took a good month for him to return to normal.  I am overjoyed to see my little man once again eating his timothy hay with gusto!    Peanut and I wish all piggy parents and their furbabies all the best....  
Peanut and Peanut's mom (Susan)

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