[Gpdd] Health

ROYCE cotton_cowboys at msn.com
Sat May 31 08:31:51 EDT 2014

I don't write often to the gpdd but I need either help or reassurance today. Chipper, my 20 month old male guinea pig, had tooth problems and had surgery on Wednesday, three days ago. He had burrs growing on back molars on either side of his mouth that were cutting into his tongue when he ate. Also, his front incisors were long so the vet removed the burrs and trimmed the incisors. The vet said that his mouth and tooth formation looked like a genetic problem that will undoubtedly recur over time.
Chipper came home from surgery living up to his name, very chipper and running around the pen begging for food. The problem is he won't eat. He sniffs the food, begs and is very interested, but never eats. Of course, I've been syringe feeding him and he hasn't lost any weight since coming home but now I'm getting worried. When I feed him something he likes with the syringe, he bites on it and tries to tug it out of my hand. That seems like a good sign.
I've tried putting his favorite foods in the pen and leaving him for an hour to 'force' him to try them but that doesn't work. He sniffs and noses them for ten minutes and finally, gives up and goes in his house and stays there. 
The vet says to wait until Monday, two more days. Understandably, he said that his teeth will be sore but I'm feeling insecure and, after three days, feel he should be trying if he's really interested. Anyone with some insight or experience with these tooth problems, give me some advice. I've read lots of tooth stories in the digest but when they didn't pertain to me at the time, I didn't commit all the info to memory. Thanks.
Carla & Chipper

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