[Gpdd] [HEALTH] Sulfatrim

Ann Evans ann.evans at hintlink.com
Fri Oct 10 13:49:08 EDT 2014

At piggyville.com I have a protocol for treating UTI's and the same one 
will work for ear infections.  This will require you to get Paediatric 
Sulfatrim from your vet, also called Sulfamethoxazole TMP in the USA. 
This drug is called Septrin Paediatric in the UK. It is an oral 
suspension. In 5 ml of the suspension there is 40 mg Trimethoprim and 
200 mg Sulfamethoxazole. Your cavy will need to be on the antibiotic for 
10 to 14 days. For ear infections sometimes 21 days. The dose is 0.5ml 
orally twice a day. You also need pain meds either rimadyl or 
ibuprofen...read link below.


I am not a vet.


Ann and the Rescued Piggys of Piggyville, Corsica France.

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