[Gpdd] MISC New Misfit

Penny Charlesworth piggyfriends48 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 17:09:15 EDT 2015

Hello Jean,

I hope that you will be able to adopt Kevin Bacon. He really needs to be
loved and cared for as you and Andy know best.

I haven't been able to take in any new Piggyfriends lately due to my op and
my dependence on my family to help. My herd is also growing old and I have
no young ones coming along. With my younger son emigrating to CT, I am
short of one pigsitter too but my elder son, despite living around an hour
and a half away is always willing to help so I am very lucky. My husband
has made a grand job of cage cleaning. I never expected him to do this as
his only usual connection to the piggies is fetching bales of hay and feed
but nothing hands on. He has been lifting out piggies who needed meds or
impactions cleaned out, whereas he never handled them before. Amazing!

 Now that I can get on the floor again, I am able to take in any piggies
that come my way but I will probably never have the same sort of numbers as
I did in my youth but there is always room for a piggy in need.

Do keep us updated about Kevin Bacon.

Lots of love from Penny and the Piggyfriends.

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