[Gpdd] [HEALTH] worming horses and piggys

Ann Evans ann.evans at hintlink.com
Mon Feb 9 03:22:19 EST 2015

Hi Carla and Abby,

Thanks for your words of wisdom about worming horses and piggys. In 
Florida you can be charged with animal cruelty if you do not worm your 
horses.  Horses and piggys are hind gut fermenters. Both eat the same 
foods, grass, hay, cereals and soy beans. For piggy owners read the 
ingredients on your piggy pellets. All of these foods are grown or 
stored where they are contaminated from parasites from rats, mice, dogs, 
birds, insects. The same goes for the food we buy in the grocery store. 
I am sure you have heard of grocery stores having rats but how many rats 
do you think were in the field of lettuce that you just fed to your 
piggy this morning? Parasites can live under extreme conditions and they 
are not all worms. So please do the most important preventative health 
measure for your piggys, worm them every 90 days. No worming medication 
will kill 100% of parasites but your piggys need all the help they can 
get to fight off parasites. Remember we cook most of our food so that 
kills parasites. We also have a digestive tract that is far more acidic 
than a guinea pig's. Yet parasites especially in water have plagued 
mankind since the beginning of time.
I am not a vet.
Cheers, Ann


Ann and the Rescued Piggys of Piggyville, Corsica, France

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