[Gpdd] PETER GURNEY: we hope you can join us!

bunny rabbit calliope996 at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 27 13:35:09 EST 2021

Peter Gurney Memorial Day is just around the corner, and we hope you can participate.

Just light a candle or candles on March 9th, Peter Gurney's birthday, at 8 p.m. in your time zone and leave it lit for an hour, if possible. At 9 p.m. your time, candles in the next time zone will be lit, and the light slowly moves around the world!

Your candle can be real or virtual, but the event is real and has received participation from almost every continent. (If you know anyone in Antarctica, we hope you'll pass the word along.)

Peter Gurney died in 2006 but the knowledge he added to the care and well being of guinea pigs lives on.  The GPDD has held the candle-lighting each year since his passing. To see photos of some past participants, please visit gpdd.org.

Feel free to share this information with other guinea-pig people you know, other animal lovers, or anyone who might like to join in in support. During the candle-lighting, we remember Mr. Gurney and all of our friends (human, furred, finned, and feathered) who have also traveled on to the Rainbow Bridge.

Following the event, a list is compiled of places where candles were lit. (View past lists at gpdd.org.) No names are associated with the places; it's simply a list of "where in the world" Peter Gurney and other friends were remembered. 


Nugget, Scottie, Ralphy, Audrey, and Cindy

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