[Gpdd] MISC: guinea pig eating habits

Rayna Alsberg rmalsberg at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 12:53:38 EDT 2021

Dear Cindy, Nugget, and Scottie,

Omigosh, every one of my piggies was a newspaper muncher, to greater or
lesser degree.

I lined their cages with it, and SOME pigs, when they were finished with
the newspaper, used to start on the coroplast. Not mentioning any names,
but the guilty parties know who they are.

So when I passed my piggy equipment on to someone else, the coroplast base
had lots of little scallop shaped indentations on the top.

We used to say that the business section was their favorite, because they
liked to check on their investments, but really, they would eat any part.

Greetings and best wishes to piggies, their humans, and other friends.


Taffy, Sundae, Tosca, Carmen and Shakira, all in mem

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