[Gpdd] Misc: Update from Berlin

Luita Dean Spangler luitad at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Sep 12 12:07:37 EDT 2021

Hello, GPDD family,

Many apologies for being so silent lately. I have been busy with online
teaching, but grateful for the opportunity to be at home with the piggies.
People here may remember Ritter, my elderly piggie who had an infection on
his upper lip - cleared up thanks to advice from the GPDD! Since then he's
had various other health troubles - he's 7 1/2 years old - and at one
point I had to syringe feed him with HerbiCare, because he had a problem
with his jaw. Now he's completely addicted to the stuff! He gets it three
times a day, and I truly enjoy our time together, But there was a recent
break in the supply, and I got him something called "Rodicare", but he
hated it and had absolute tantrums when I tried to feed it to him. He can
now eat on his own so long as I cut up his food and pellets into small
pieces, but totally loves his HerbiCare - which I could only find at one
small veterinary practice, since it was completely unavailable online. Did
anyone else experience this shortage of HerbiCare?

Many thanks to Cindy for her contributions, updates and concern about us all.

Elderly Ritter and Tilly, the Diva

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