[Gpdd] MISC.: checking in

bunny rabbit calliope996 at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 30 15:11:23 EDT 2022

It's hard to believe it is May, or will be by the time this gets to the Digest! We hope all people. piggies, and other friends are well.
Coke and Fitz are getting more comfortable with us, and Coke has let me know he likes to have the cozy that I call the "Hollywood Bowl" (because the boys sometimes shape it like that) on the floor with him. If I don't set it on the floor during floor time, he looks for it and calls for me. I have a photo where just his nose is sticking out of it. LOL.
Fitz is just so relaxed, as I think I've said, that he is my role model! Since he has long hair, I still sometimes put his food at the wrong end. Oh, well.
Scottie is still enjoying his game of finding veggies. I now put one piece of whatever on the apple cozy, which is pretty tall. He is good about putting his feet on it and reaching the veggie. I think he likes to do that. When he plays the game, he dashes from veggie to veggie!
We'd love to hear how everyone is doing.
Cindy, Scottie, Coke, and Fitz

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