[Gpdd] ANNOUNCEMENT: Nugget's tribute, Part II

bunny rabbit calliope996 at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 26 10:29:10 EST 2022

Nugget's mask, as it turned out, came in handy after his surgery. Unless you really looked, it was not particularly noticeable that he was missing one eye. Oddly and wonderfully enough, after the first few days, it seemed as if he had figured out a way to see normally, even with one eye. One day during the pandemic, when it seemed safer after vaccinations were available, I was able to go inside my vet’s office and she was impressed that he would look at her with his missing eye. She said most animals, of course, would turn their remaining eye toward her. She was impressed he was so trusting.
Nugget also had had teeth problems before surgery, and he and I became very close as I hand-fed him. We were at the vet's often for teeth trims and he might need help with his food for a day or so before and after. When the pandemic began, I would have to drop him off for his trims and would be nervous until I got the call that he was ready to return home. He became known as a frequent flier, and it meant a lot to me to know they were always happy to see him. Sometimes I would get a call that he was ready to go, and a vet tech would be holding him in her lap as we spoke. Another woman told me she would hold him as she did paperwork; she said he was a good helper.
Our boy enjoyed floor time and developed a habit of running to the edge of the floor area my husband had made from wood and linoleum. He never left the edge but reached out as far as he could to demand food. My husband began putting the bits of cucumber or bell pepper on a paper towel, and after that Nugget expected to be properly served! He also loved eating from the table in the middle of the floor area or running to the bowl at the northwest corner.
Sadly, one day I noticed a fluid where his eye had been removed (a year and a half before), and he had to go back on antibiotics in case the abscess had returned. Again he recovered nicely and became active again, and we allowed ourselves to think about his 7th birthday. In the meantime, we celebrated his 6 1/2 birthday and were glad we did. About two weeks later, he didn't want his Vitamin C piece one Saturday night, wouldn’t eat the following Sunday morning, and passed away that afternoon, November 7, 2021. At least we knew his passing was pain-free, as we had pain medicine to give him. He left on his journey as we stood with him and talked and sang to him, and as his friend, Scottie, stayed nearby.
Nugget was cremated, but my vet's office asked if we would like paw prints in clay. The pet crematory did a wonderful job. The lovely tin holding the paw prints sits on a table in our den, and beside it is a ceramic guinea-pig (with candle) who is black and white like Scottie. The lamp his paw prints are under is a horse lamp painted to look like the horse I loved, so I feel as though Nugget is being watched over and kept company.  
Nugget, thank you for your indomitable spirit, your intelligence, and your sweetness and compassion. Enjoy your celestial veggies and your friends, old and new. We love you. You will always live in our hearts. 
Cindy and Scottie

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