[Gpdd] HEALTH: Scottie

bunny rabbit calliope996 at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 8 13:21:08 EDT 2022

I don't think I said that Scottie was not feeling well through a lot of June. He began feeling bad in early June, on a Friday, or course, and the first vet appointment was Monday. We thought he might have gas, so we gave tummy rubs, infant simethicone, CC, and pain meds. By Monday he was much better, and the vet agreed with me. She did add eye drops, as he had some sort of discharge. Eye drops were the only thing I didn't have in my gp medicine cabinet.

He got well, it seemed, then began feeling bad again, and we went back for an X-ray. Fortunately it showed nothing wrong (no stones, etc.), except, yes, a small amount of gas.

Off and on, he had this happen through June, and we did the above. Now I know what to look for. If he stays in his cozy too much, that is something to be concerned about.

So far he has been better and stayed better for about a week or so. He eyes were fine after the course of eye medicine, which fortunately he did not mind taking.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Cindy, Scottie, Coke, and Fitz

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