Stacy Harvey ckrtsqrl2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 17 20:34:06 EDT 2003

It's true- airlines won't fly piggies in the cabins.
Anything considered "exotic" is strictly verboten. I
was stationed in Hawaii for 4 years, and when it came
time to depart, I had to ship my poor sweet babies as
cargo! They made the trip with no ill effects, but I
had to wait almost four months for the weather here in
Maryland to be warm enough to ship them.
If I were still in Hawaii, I would've taken that piggy
in an instant.
Personally, I don't see why it's okay to ship cats and
dogs in the cabin, but not pigs---piggies take up less
space (unless you have 7, like I do).

-Stacy and the Squee Squad(battening down the hatches,
I mean hutches, for Hurricane Isabel)

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