[Gpdd] Re: Gpdd (RESCUE) Re: NO FLY PIGS

Guineapigfilms at aol.com Guineapigfilms at aol.com
Thu Sep 18 23:44:53 EDT 2003

Hi!  I am not sure if any of the airline rules have changed since a few years 
ago, when the Tonight Show (Jay Leno) and the David Letterman show's 
producers BOTH called me the same week to ask if I could come be on their shows, and 
bring my famous piggies (the stars of CARROT WARS).

It was in the middle of a HOT summer, and both producers wanted me to fly 
with the pigs.  I told them NO, unless they could come in the passenger part of 
the plane with ME.  I didn't want them to be scared, overheated or WORSE.  Both 
producers did some checking, and reported back that the airlines considered 
guinea pigs to be RODENTS, and there was a rule about rodents not riding in the 
passenger section.  They would have to go in the baggage area, along with 
large dogs, etc.  I talked it over with my mom and dad, and I told them, "These 
are just SHOWS...and my piggies are LIVING creatures with FEELINGS."  I felt 
like they would HATE riding in the baggage area, so I turned both the shows 
down.  Later that summer Nickelodeon called and asked me to be on a show of theirs 
(and make a movie for them starring my guinea pigs), and they were nice 
enough to buy or rent some local piggies from a pet shop there for me to handle on 
the show.  (A lot of the production crew were so enchanted with the guinea 
pigs that they took them home with them after filming, and I heard later that all 
of them had become beloved family pets.)

This summer Tom Green's producer called (MTV), and I told him the same thing 
I'd told the producers at Leno's show and Letterman's--my pigs' health and 
safety comes FIRST.    Guinea pigs are creatures of habit, and they are very 
fragile and sensitive.  They can literally die from FRIGHT. 


Alyssa and the guinea pig movie stars

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