[Gpdd] Misc: Koko and All whose Little Ones Have or Will Cross the Rainbow Bridge

Algernon07 at aol.com Algernon07 at aol.com
Thu Apr 1 19:44:35 EST 2004

Dear Friends,
    Forgive me for neglected condolences for those who have lost their little 
companions recently. Certainly my thoughts and prayers have been with all of 

    I've just finished reading Jim's tribute to Koko and it seems like the 
story of Everyman (Woman) and Everypig traveling life's road together -- however 
long or short that road may be.
    I was deeply touched by the straight forward simplicity of his account of 
a life (and a death) shared, of allowing Abby her time for her good-byes to 
Koko, of the burial, of the remembrance of that 100 yard dash of a few years 
back when Koko nearly outdistanced him.
    How fortunate are we who have been permitted to discover the much 
overlooked specialness of these little ones, we who have come to know them as 
individuals all with their own personalities and endearing qualities.
    Love has a price but it is so very precious.
    So this letter in not just to Jim but to everyone here. We have been 
privileged to know the value of these little guys to privileged to be able to hold 
them in our hearts.

Warmest regards and sympathy,


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