[Gpdd] Behavior: Babies Eating

Dawnda Stricklen dawndastricklen at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 24 18:25:35 EDT 2004

Hello Everyone

I have been enjoying my 3 new babies this weekend. I
don't work weekends, so I can watch them all weekend.

I have fixed the picture on my webpage that wasn't
working, and I added one of Katie and two little ones.
It was hard to get a picture of the little ones in the
cage, because they are running around and popcorning
so fast!

I went in to check on them yesterday about mid-morning
and one of the males had a little piece of hay
sticking out of his mouth. He was rolling it in just
like a pro. He was so small, only a day and a half
old. It was the cutest and funniest thing I had ever
seen. I wish I would have had my camera ready. I
already ran down one set of batteries.

Today, I went in and he was eating on corn on the cob
that was as big as him. I guess he's going to be the
big eater on of the bunch.

I wanted to wait a few more days before I name them. I
want to make sure what sex they all are. Sometimes
it's hard to tell when they are first born. I think I
have 2 males and a female though. At least I can cage
the two males together,so one won't be by itself. I
may cosider neutering, if my exotic vet thinks it's
safe. No one bring the gps in to a vet around here.
I'm afraid I could drive 3 hours in any direction from
my house and not find a vet that has neutered a guinea
pig. My vet is a wonderful vet though! He'd do his
homework before the surgery, if he has never done one.



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