[Gpdd] re: [Announcement] <RIP poor baby>

Lauren Cordeiro petunia_loo at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 24 21:16:18 EDT 2004

Hi Jussy,
I'm very sorry to hear about the unexpected passing of one of Lady's babies. Unfortunately deaths happen a lot among infants in the animal kingdom. It's just a sad fact of life. But of course that does not mean we should not honor the life of one of Lady's darling baby pigs, even if that life was much more brief than anyone expected.
One option would be paying for the baby to be necropsied to determine cause of death. Or perhaps a better idea would be to eventually bring the other babies into the vet (or if possible, if your vet makes house calls) to have them checked out. Most likely they are doing as well as could be expected. Unfortunately, no one can ever really guarantee that any baby animal will make it. They have a lot stacked up against them.
I wish you, Honey, Lady and the remaining babes the best.
Lauren, Piglet and Pooh Bear

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