[Gpdd] [health] update on Cleo after surgery....

Bob & Chris Robertson rssg at earthkink.net
Thu Apr 29 10:00:37 EDT 2004

Cleo had her surgery to remove two lumps, one on her shoulder and one in the
groin area.  She is doing very well, eating and seems to be in no pain.  Her
stitches were removed from the groin, but the incision on her back was about
3" wide, and when our vet went to take them out there was still some healing
needed.  As a result he left a few stitches in, and she will have them
removed next week.

The bad news is the pathology report. Both growths, though different in
nature are malignant, and will probably return, if not in the sites where
they were removed, elsewhere on the body.  Cleo will be six years old next
week, so we have decided to keep her a happy pig for the time she has left;
no more surgery.  She is healing well, and we will just spoil her rotten.
We have been so blessed by this little presence.

I am more worried about her cage mate, Spookie.  She has lain next to Cleo
before the surgery when she wasn't feeling well, and continues to comfort
her as she recuperates.  Little Spookie panics when Cleo is not in sight.
She does not like being a solo piggy.

Healing wheeks to all those dealing with piggy illness.

Chris, Cleo (no more swimsuit photos for me) and Spookie (the nurse)

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