[Gpdd] ANNOUNCEMENT: condolences, Katie

Cindy calliope at geeksnet.com
Thu Dec 30 21:09:22 EST 2004

CJ, we are very sorry to hear about Katie's sudden passing.  Sometimes 
piggies will seem to be doing better and then quickly leave us.  We know 
this was a shock for you, and we send our condolences.

It sounds like your neighbor was trying to comfort you by getting you a new 
piggie.  Although it might feel that you don't want to bond with this new 
little one, please give her a home.  Long ago I lost my Rippley and thought 
I'd never really get to know my newer piggie, Calliope.  Some people on the 
Digest will remember Calliope and know that she grew into an incredibly 
special piggie.

Please do let us know what you decide about the new piggie.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all sick piggies and their humans.

Cindy, Joey G., Sunshine, and Tumbleweed

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