[Gpdd] Behavior: Brownie Bear is a funny, little thing

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 15:33:41 EST 2004

Hello Slaves!
Well, we're all moved into our new apartment
and I think that keeping Brownie Bear's cage
closer to the television was a wonderful idea
because she seems to be getting more and more
comfortable with us. And now, I've taught her
a new 'trick'. Since she's a stone piggie,
I have to do whatever I can to get that piggie
to drink as much water as possible. So, Daddy
Slave & I will be watching t.v. and Brownie will
jump into her cage to eat some pellets and
hay and if I don't see her drinking her water, 
I'll say, "Brownie Bear, go drink your Wah-Wah!"
and she'll run over to her water bottle and
start drinking water. Oh, she's such a Good
Girl!!! Well, last night, Daddy Slave decided
he was going to see if he could get her to drink
water. So, Brownie jumps in her cage and Daddy
Slave says, "Brownie Bear, go drink your Water!"
and she just stopped in her tracks and looked 
at him like he was CRAZY--ha ha!
So, of course, I just had to jump in and say it
the Right way--"Go drink your Wah-Wah!" and she
went right to her water bottle and started
drinking. ha ha! Daddy Slave and I laughed and

       Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeeeps,
          Leah...Slave to Brownie Bear :-)

P.S. Thanks to you all who have given me the
Great Bathing Tips for Brownie Bear. When the
weather warms up, I think I'll try it--

P.P.S. And Thanks for all of the 'Gas' tips
too. That Fartin' little Pig really appreciates
it!! :-)

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