[Gpdd] [BREEDING] help with pregnant piggie

Jill Brungardt Jill.Brungardt at bakeru.edu
Sat Jan 3 17:09:50 EST 2004

Hello everyone,
I have a bit of a problem. I am new to piggie slavery, and have 2 GIRLS. I took them to the vet today because Star was getting really fat....yep she's pregnant. 3 pups. HELP! The vet is wonderful and she went over the basic stuff I need to know...but I'd like some advice from people, just regular people who have been here and can help. I know nothing about the birth process (other than what I've read) and only know a bit about what to do IF I need to help.
ALL suggestions are welcome, please email me direct at jillybkul at yahoo.com. The other address isn't functioning properly, and I want to make sure that I can access my mail.
Thanks a bunch!!!!
Jill and clan
Jill Brungardt
Periodical Assistant
Collins Library, Baker University
jbrungardt at bakeru.edu

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