[Gpdd] MISC: to toni

Helen Stanford tweetypie_80 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 6 18:20:40 EST 2004

Toni, i am so sorry to hear about the passing of your little piggy. Like 
yours, my pig miffy was only 2 and a half years old when she died. i always 
thought that she would live to a great age because of all the love and care 
she recived, but she didn't. Just to let you know i'm thnking about you and 
how tough it is losing a piggy - but don't blame yourself. i spend months 
blaming myself that i wssn't there to hold her - it's natrul to try and find 
any fault you can when your piggy dies - i sort of knew it wasnt my fault 
but i couldn't stop blaming myself. I will pray for you tonight and for your 
little piggie and even in the short lives our pigs had they brought us so 
much joy and happiness. And it is true what they say - time is a great 
healer, although i bet your heart is ripped in two at the moment.

lots of love and piggie licks and kisses

Helen, Flossie and Skipper, and Miffy and Nutkin(Over the Bridge)

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