[Gpdd] [CARE] Eating Paper

Susan Eastin susan at boatlift.com
Wed Jan 7 17:02:33 EST 2004

While I realize that paper is not on any lists of items recommended as
a part of the guinea pigs' diet, I remember reading that newspapers
are generally safe for them to eat because the ink is soy-based.  I think
this was just the black ink (or is the colored ink also soy-based, and how
do you know?)  What about other inks?
Over the holidays I took home some shredded paper for packing, and
the piggies ended up with a little of it.  They had so much fun with it, I
them keep it.  They push it around, lay on it, hide under it, move it
around, and - of course - eat it!  It's mostly plain copy paper, and they
don't really get that much of it.  But our copiers and printers here at
the office use toner cartridges, so that's what most of the shredded
paper has been printed on from. (excuse the d.p.!)
Any ideas on the safety of this toner?  I thought I'd just shred a little
plain paper for them once in a while, but is it ok?  Are there differences
in paper as far as diet concerns?  They used to love to hide and burrow
under piles of grass when it was in good supply, but this shredded stuff
is close.  I thought about shredding colored paper for special occasions,
but what about the coloring used in the paper itself???
Oh, dear - this is all too much.
Is anyone out there?

Susi and the OP's

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