[Gpdd] Rescue (spca adoption)

Lisa B cavylover74 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 4 20:21:10 EDT 2004

Hi Alicia!
Congratulations on your new addition Trix.  Sorry "she" turned out to be a he instead.  I guess we will all learn from our mistakes and other's mistakes regarding guinea pigs.
As for your question #1, yes most females and neutered males can live in the same cage happily ever after.  Just introduce them as you would with any other pig.  Also be sure to wait at least 3 weeks before putting them together so all the sperm is gone out of your little guy's system.
For question #2, surgery is always risky for any guinea pig.  How old is Trix?  If you have a very experienced vet, things should go well but like I said, there is always a risk.  Look up on www.cavyspirit.com on neutering or www.guinealynx.com.  Both have excellent information.
There is also information of what to expect after surgery.
For question #3, I have always had boars and never had any problems with impaction yet.  Some say neutering helps but there is still some debate over that.  I think it just depends on the pig and how is system works.  Also I know of people that has to do this on a weekly basis of cleaning out the boar and the only thing they really complain about is the awful smell it produces.  But if you love your pig very much, you want him to be healthy so you will do it, just comes with the territory.
I wish you the best of luck with Trix and if you decide to neuter him, best of luck to him (I'm sure things will be fine).  Let us know and keep us updated on Trix.

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