[Gpdd] [ANNOUNCE] <re: new member>

petunia_loo at yahoo.com petunia_loo at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 20 21:40:58 EDT 2004

Hi Melissa,
I hope this doesn't sound patronizing but I think it's
great you're taking the time to find and prepare for
your next gpig instead of making an impulse buy. I
can't say I've always done the same! ;) Anyway, there
is a well-known gpig rescue in Illinois called the
Critter Corral. They are listed on Petfinder - go to
www.petfinder.org and enter your general area - you
will get a list of gpigs in your area, some mixed
breeds and maybe even some purebreds, that need good
Best of luck!
Lauren, Piglet and Pooh Bear

p.s. welcome to the gpdd! I hope you find it as
helpful as I have. :)

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