[Gpdd] [MISC] Our little ones

Stephen Schertzer/Ruth Wingerin mindman at interchange.ubc.ca
Tue Jun 22 23:51:28 EDT 2004

Oh Erin,
I am so sad to hear spirit passed over the bridge. I loved her even though 
I never met her. I'm sure Rose is playing with her right now. She was 
always good with younger pigs. I'm sure Spirit is happy in dandilion fields and 
missing sunstroke.

I measured the cage and I found out is was 1 1/2ft. x 3ft. Is this big enough?

Here is a slave pledge you can take. I made it up.
"Somewhere in the world there is a herd of guinea pigs in a huge cage and
they are never discontented in the way of care. I cannot be this person, but
I must remember that I probably can do better than now. I am not only a slave,
I am a friend, a companion, I am my little friends' guardian. I must remember 
the guinea pigs without a home that die unhappy because they never knew love
or happiness. I am not one to let this go by unnoticed. I am a guinea pig lover!"
Julia Cocoa and Patch

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