[Gpdd] [HEALTH] <guinea pig-human cold issue>

Lauren Cordeiro petunia_loo at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 15 21:49:36 EST 2004

I have been trying to find more info about whether guinea pigs/ small animals can catch human illnesses. I should just call my vet, but it's always the receptionist who answers and I'd probably have to pay to get an answer... anyway, human colds that are viruses, like the common cold, can not be passed onto them. However, some colds are bacterial, and those are the ones that can be passed between humans and pigs. Also, when you have a virus, your immune system is weakened and you may be more susceptible to bacterial infections at the same time, which could then be transmitted to your pigs.
Just thought this info might be of interest...
Lauren, Piglet and Pooh Bear

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