Gabe gabe_mika at cogeco.ca
Mon Nov 1 21:29:02 EST 2004

Hi Everyone.  What is the best way to tame a piggy?  We have two pigs that we adopted from the humane society in february.  They were adults when we got them and they do not like to be handled.  Last week we adopted a 3 or 4 month old piggy and this one is not nearly as nervous as the other two were at first.  I would like for this piggy to like to snugle.  I hold her several times a day and she does not seem to mind it.  What should I be doing to tame this piggy?  Is holding her frequently the best way?  Also I was planing on puting all three in the same cage but the older pigs go crazy everytime I put the new pig with them.  They attack not only the new pig but also fight with each other and seem to be getting worse every time they are together.  Is there any chance they will learn to like each other?  The two older pigs live in a large plastic pool so they have lots of room and they are all females.  Thank you for any advice.

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