[Gpdd] [CARE] Fruit flies

Laurie-Jean Gombar lj at theurnstudio.com
Fri Nov 26 16:52:45 EST 2004

Fruit flies are definitely frustrating.   We got some fresh blueberries
this summer and had to remove fruit/onions/tomatoes/potatoes from the
counter for months to get rid of them. We think they came in with the
blueberries. When they get really hungry cause there is nothing for them
to hover over, they zoom in on any new fruit... Or juice.  I would think
our issue was over.... We really only had one or two at a time, not a
swarm... And I would have a juice- and see a fruit fly buzzing around.
Ok... So make yourself a fruit fly catcher.
Take an empty jar that had peanut butter or parmesean cheese... And add
this solution.
.Mix 2 cups water, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons white vinegar, and
a couple drops of liquid dishsoap. Leave this mixture sitting out
wherever the infestation is for as long as you need to.
You will soon be the proud owner of some dead fruit flies... Collect
them all!

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