[Gpdd] re:[ANNOUNCE] I'm writing an article!

Nena Sechler Craven nenacraven at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 25 17:23:11 EDT 2004

In my opinion, the most important thing to put in any article about pets around the holidays is that they are a HORRIBLE gift to give anyone but your own minor children (assuming, as someone already mentioned, that you are willing to sign your life over to the pets yourself).  Giving a pet to a friend or a friend's children or even your grandchildren in many cases is like saying "here, I've decided that you should spend hundreds of dollars and countless hours with this new responsibility, 'til death do you part" and then walking away! It's a far cry from a teddy bear that can go in the closet or to Goodwill later.  The magazine may already cover this, but I felt it was worth mentioning just in case.  On the positive side, I'd mention how much personality piggies have.  When I got DJ & Jack, my family and friends couldn't believe my stories-- they thought guinea pigs "just sat there."  Two recent examples of personality from my own piggie pen: Jack wheeks like crazy about ten minutes
 before daddy slave gets home, even when his work schedule varies (psychic piggies??), and both of my boys go crazy when the neighbors play music with heavy bass beats- purring, popcorning, running laps, the whole works.  Before the weather got cool, they did the same thing for ice cream trucks.  
Good luck with the article! 
Nena, DJ & Jack

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