[Gpdd] [MISC] hair balls

Marielle Smith marielle at markinekt.com
Sat Apr 16 18:44:44 EDT 2005

Dear Steph, Patches, Percy and Scamp, 

Our Widget occasionally has similar symptoms:  cough, sneeze, wheezing.
When we took him to the vet, she said that he didn't have symptoms of an
infection, such as fever or redness.  She thinks he's allergic to one of
the hay types we use (we know Timothy's ok), so we only give that type
of hay to the bunnies.  But when the wind is up and there's a lot of
pollen in the air - basically when I have bad allergies - Widget starts
his wheezing again, with the occasional cough and sneeze.  

Her recommendation was children's liquid Benadryl.  We give him 1cc of
it - he loves the taste, so it's a piece of cake (grape flavor).  This
seems to diminish the symptom's significantly!

I'm not sure whether this is pertinent, but your Patches' symptom's
sounded so similar!

Marielle and Russell
Windex, Widget, Schocki and Trudy (the Piggies)
Mr. Big, Jackie, Rhumba, Wolfgang and Farrah (the Buns)

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