[Gpdd] Behavior: Re: Introducing Piggies

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 1 12:41:26 EDT 2005

I hope all is well with you and your
family. I know how hard it has been
with losing Windex. Hopefully, the
time is helping you heal. I am glad
that whee got a chance to meet on your
way to Dr. Jenkins. And hopefully,
next year, we can get together again.
I know you're trying to get Widget,
Trudy, and Schocki together, so I just
wanted to give you a couple of ideas.

It took me over 2 months to get that
Sassy Brownie Bear to accept my
little Butterscotch. And I tried all kinds
of stuff. But, the thing that really worked
for them is the fact that I bought a new
4x2 C&C cage in a different color.
And then they were fine. Now, Butterscotch
did try to have 'relations' with B-Bear,
but she would snap at him and he would
stop. Eventually, he learned that BB wasn’t
easy. I'll send you some stuff that the MGPR
folks sent me to help with the introductions.
Oh, and if anyone else would like me to send
you the information on introducing piggies,
then just email me and I'll send it to you

  Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeeps,
      Leah...Slave to Brownie Bear &
                         Butterscotch :-)

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