[Gpdd] Health: Rugi

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 25 14:47:30 EDT 2005

Wheee just wanted to send out
some Healing Wheeeeeks to your
Rugi. I hope she is okay. Is
she still on the antibiotic
and/or the probiotic? I'm not
sure why she has slowed down,
but I am hoping and praying
that she'll snap out of it and
perk back up.

I just wanted you to know that
wheeee were thinking of you and
Rugi today.

Also, I hope that all sickly
piggies (and slaves) are feeling
better soon...

  Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeps,
    B-Bear, B'scotch, and me :-)

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