[Gpdd] CARE: Critter Berries: The Secret Weapons in the Battle of Vitamin C

Candy G. crawdad1953 at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 27 10:25:43 EDT 2005

Hey, Jaime -

I will send you the details of the Critter Berries / Vitamin C Scam via a 
direct email.  It is a little long and convoluted and I won't take up digest 
space with it.  Besides, I feel dang foolish at the hoops I jump through to 
get that rascal Topper to eat his Vit C!!  (Of course, of all the people in 
the world, who would understand "jumping through hoops for piggies" better 
than the Digesters???)

Topper did exactly the same thing your Albert did.  He LOVED the Oxbow 
Vitamin C at the beginning - would actually run up, snatch them out of my 
hand, and make off with his loot at the speed of light - but then he got to 
where he not only wouldn't eat them, but. . . and I kid you not. . . he 
became very belligerant(sp?) about NOT eating them.

I had started trying to get him to eat the Vit C by giving it to him first 
and, then, when he would FINALLY eat it, immediately giving him a Critter 
Berry for a treat and reward.  At one point, I was doing that and trying get 
him to eat the Vit C and I kept handing it to him and he would drop it and 
hop up for the Critter Berry; I would hand it to him again and he would drop 
it again; etc.  About the forth time we went through this, he took it out of 
my hand and, instead of dropping it, he calmly - and very DELIBERATELY - 
walked over to a puddle of VERY fresh urine, dropped the Vit C tablet right 
into the middle of it, and then casually walked back over to me and stood up 
for the Critter Berry treat!!!!!  That dad-gummed juvenile delinquent!!!!

Anyway, I'll send you my latest  effort.  It seems to be working well. . . 
so far. . .

Candy; Mollie and very smart, but VERY precocious Topper (plus Cat X of 

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