[Gpdd] [silly] Ground Hog

truejedi at bellsouth.net truejedi at bellsouth.net
Wed Feb 2 07:22:02 EST 2005

Just wanted to say HAPPY GROUNDHOG'S DAY to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are having a groundhog party tonight.  Everyone will have a chance to wear a groundhog mask.  Also each piggy will get the chance to poke their head out of the pigloo to see if they see their shadow or not.  We will have music (soft relaxing music...that's the piggies favorite) for the piggies to dance to.  Also each piggy will get the chance to visit the fruit and veggie buffet.  Then we'll all make a toast to the groundhog's prediction this year.  Hope everyone else has a wonderful Groundhog Day!!!!

Misty and The Uineas (Muinea, Wuinea, Puinea, Vuinea, Buinea and Boaruinea)

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