[Gpdd] Misc: Maryland, Wash D.C., & No. Virginia PIGNIC!!!

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 14 16:43:21 EST 2005

Hello Slaves!
Several of you have asked for information
on the MD/DC/NOVA Pignic and so what I
would like to do now, is have those Slaves
that are interested email me. I would like
to see who would like to be a part of the
FUN and then take it offline as a group
and wheeeeee can discuss it further.

Now, I know that some of you have already
emailed me, but go ahead and email me again
and if you would, please put "PIGNIC"
somewhere in the Subject line. That would
be just FANT-A-BULOUS!!

My email address is...

      Lconsuela at yahoo.com

Then, next wheeeeeek, I will email everyone
as a group and wheeee can start Brainstorming
the event as a group. Well, Alrighty Then!

I am Sooooooooooooooooooo EXCITED!!!

     Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeps,
       Leah...Slave to Brownie Bear
                  & Butterscotch :-)

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