[Gpdd] Health: Buffy lump

Jennifer Langer fairydancer at loveable.com
Sun Feb 20 16:51:30 EST 2005

  Although I don't know anything about ovarian cysts, I have had one Piggie with a lump. Definitely take her into to your vet asap. They can do an xray to determine what may be causing it. Has she always been less "happy" than your other Piggies? If this is a recent change, depression certainly may be caused by Buffy simply not feeling well. I will say bunch of prayers for Buffy. I will also light a healing candle, that the lump is benign and she feels happier very soon.

Jennifer and Adam, and PB, Bob Bob, and Boar-is 
"To find a beautiful thing, look with an open mind and heart."
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