[Gpdd] Health: Bladder Stones: Sabrina & Flick

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 28 11:54:38 EDT 2005

Sorry for being so late in writing this but
I was so Happy that Sabrina passed that
huge bladder stone (back in June)!!! Wow,
that was a tough night for you both. I know
that you sent the stone off for analysis, so
what were the results? Brownie Bear's
stones were the calcium carbonate kind.
Well, I'm so glad that Sabrina passed that
stone and is feeling like her 'ole self again.
Oh, and I give B-Bear some Shilintong
every other day too...Wheeeek! Give Sabrina
some Piggie Kisses from me.

I was sooooo Scared when I read about
Flick's emergency surgery to remove
the bladder stones. I was on pins and
needles. But, Thank God! he came out
of it okay...Whew! Flick, don't scare
me like that! I hope that he continues
to do well as I know that you are taking
Excellent care of the boy. When I read
about his stones, I had prayed that they
would pass on their own, but I know that
with our boy piggies, that's much more
difficult. Nonetheless, Please give him
some Extra Cuddles from me and know
that I'm praying for a full recovery.

   Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeps,
      Leah...Slave to Brownie Bear &
                 Butterscotch :-)              

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