[Gpdd] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Another tiny soul

Tenetylo, Jenna (RMS) TenetyloJ at dnb.com
Thu Mar 3 12:32:11 EST 2005

I am so very sorry to hear about Flannel, Anita...  I'm not good at thinking
up things to write for condolences, but do accept my apologies, and DO NOT
BEAT YOURSELF UP!  You did everything you could for Flannel... it was just
his time, and there is nothing us humans can do when they are called to go
on to a better place... The best thing you did was try your best and when he
was letting go, you also let go...  That is the most selfless thing to do -
not to hold on to something that isn't ours to hold on to.

Don't know if that makes sense or helps... hope it does, just know he is
ALWAYS happy, healthy, and pop corning - frolicking with his beloved friends
on the bridge....

Best wishes to you and yours....
Extra weeeeeeks from Fuzzy and Jenna

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