[Gpdd] Health: Henry & B'scotch's Monster Beans...

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 9 14:29:40 EST 2005

Hey Rebecca!
Oh my goodness, after I posted the message
about Butterscotch's Monster Poops, I read
your message and laughed & laughed & laughed.
Because when I was piggie-sitting him, Phoebe,
& Taylor, I noticed that Henry had some Big
'ole POOPS--ha ha! When I would get home
from work, I would block off the dining room
and let all 5 piggies be free-range. Henry
was so Cute cuz he just wanted to lounge
around under the dining table. And when he
would go back to the cage, there would be a
trail of MONSTER BEANS left--ha ha! And I
swear that Henry and Butterscotch had a
secret Competition going of who could produce
the Biggest Beans. :-)

I'm glad that Dr. Belm said that our piggies
aren't Defective. I had wondered about the
impaction thing myself. Oh, and Thanks for
posting the website for your Vet. If anyone
in Northern Virginia missed it and they are
looking for an Excellent Vet, here it is again:


My Vet also works there. Her name is Dr. Valerie
Campbell and she performed  the bladder stone
surgery and spay on my Brownie Bear back in
December 2003. Wheeeeeeee recommend her 100%!!!

Also, wheeeeee hope that Henry's ear infection
has cleared up and that he's feeling much, much

     Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeps,
        Leah...Slave to Brownie Bear &
                           Butterscotch :-)

"Hey Leah,
Funny you should ask.  Henry had an ear infection last
week and when I took him in I asked Dr. Behm about
that.  I was worried that maybe it was a sign of
impaction with him being and older boar and all. She
said they were a sign of good health. Small, dry poops
were the ones to be concerned about..."

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