[Gpdd] Behavior: Piggie Kisses...

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Wed May 11 11:37:53 EDT 2005

Awwwwwwwwwwww...Piggie kisses are so Sweet.
They just make you Melt, don't they? I can
just imagine how Cute Fugly's little pink
piggie lips are. I also have a kissing pig.
I trained that Sassy Brownie Bear to give
me kisses when she wants a treat. All I have
to say is "Kiss-Kiss" and she kisses me. And
if she's hungry enough, she will even stand
on her hind legs and give ya a kiss. But,
that doesn't happen often cuz she's a little
chubby. But, Hubby told me she did it for
him about a wheeeeek ago. Good Girl!

Also, Wow! that's so Cool that you're a
Certified Diver too!!! I couldn't stop laughing
at your Guinea Pig Diving Bell invention (the
clear ball attached to a pony tank)--heeeeeee!
Does your Hubby dive too? I'm glad that my
Hubby took the Cert. class with me cuz now,
wheeeee have a hobby together (and also it's
convenient cuz you always have your Buddy).
Where do you dive? I hear the Pacific is a
little chilly off the coast there. 

And speaking of Sunny California, I hope to
come visit there the wheeeek of July 11th,
and I am tentatively planning to meet up with
Mary Fran & Diane. My Hubby's company is located
in Irvine and he's going out there for work. I
usually come with him for part of the wheeek
(for Play). Wheeeee also have friends that live
in Agoura Hills and wheeee usually go to Santa
Monica for dinner with them one night. I would
Love to meet you and your Famous Piggies!!
Southern Cali has a lot of Slaves and Pigs
(like Lydia, Marielle & Russell, Cindy, etc.
etc. etc.). Unfortunately, I'll be leaving the
piggies at home. Butterscotch is really Sad about
that because he would Love to meet up with that
Yummy Carmel Cotton Candy (Mmmmmmmmmm...).

Oh my, I rambled on a bit. I better end this
before it gets any worse...

    Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeps,
        Leah...Slave to Brownie Bear and
                           Butterscotch :-)

"...I also wanted to brag to the fact that I have
taught my Fugster to give me a kiss. Her cage is about
eye level with me, and if I go to the bars and say
"give me kisses" she puts her lips up to mine. Cute
little pink piggie lips.  My husband just shook his
head and went back to his video game. I am so proud.
Hugs to all and much love to all the piggies that are
with us.  Thanks to the Good Lord for the love and
trust of our furry friends."

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